The Wrong Smith

Fake news has it that the City in 1909 bought land for Peninsula Park from Elizabeth Smith a.k.a. Liverpool Liz, who ran a racetrack and a saloon there. False. Evergreen Park (1899-1900) was leased from W.K. Smith by Harry Busch, who was financed by $ 6,000 from Lizzie Smith. The good citizens of Piedmont, controlled by the crusading teetotaller Edward Quackenbush, prevented Harry Busch from getting a liquor license. Harry Busch went to jail for pistol-whipping Liz, and Evergreen Park went belly up. The land was subsequently bought by the City from W.K. Smith. I am currently writing up the story with the title “Too Many Smiths” or “Elusive Liz”. The attached picture overwhelmingly shows that William K. Smith, a banker, millionaire, and mill owner, was morally incomparable to Liverpool Liz.

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